Saturday, October 19, 2013


This is a story I haven't told nearly anybody about, a time that God spoke to me. Maybe you have seen my posts from a couple of months ago about Cross Training.


A boy named Ethan Heckman was at a table at the beginning of Cross Training before we were going to eat dinner for the first time in Greenwood, Indiana.  Cross Training is a thing that missionaries do before going to wherever they have been called, to prepare them for the field.

I didn't know Ethan at that time. When I walked by him I looked at him and God said that we would be friends. I answered, "How? There are only three weeks of Cross Training, then we go different ways, to maybe be on different continents." He directed me to a seat directly across from Ethan and we instantly liked each other. By the end of dinner we were laughing, playing, and sharing stories with each other.

He even had a sister, Haylie, who my sisters liked to hang out with.

 I remember the first night, on the OMS campus, getting ready for bed and looking out the window seeing Ethan riding his Ripstik. I love playing on my Ripstik. A Ripstik is kind of like a two wheeled skateboard.

The next three weeks our freetime was spent Ripstiking and playing four square. Today, I live in Haiti, I bet you would never believe this, but Ethan lives only 15 minutes away, driving, so I think God planned this for us. God told me the truth and knew my future even when I said it was impossible.

What are the odds that out of every country and city we would end up so close to each other? I think this made Ethan feel better about moving to Haiti, it did for me!



Sunday, October 13, 2013


By Hannah

Sammy is the cutest two-year-old I've ever seen. 

Whenever we baby-sit him, he strolls right over to the soccer ball and yelps, "BALL!"

When I swing him onto my hip, I sing, "Do you like pie?" And he grins, "Pie!"


And when he wobbles into the kitchen we switch on music and he dances, hopping and shaking his hips.  Then when he starts bawling because Aunt Jane isn't there, I do peek-a-boo and get him to laugh.  Then he does his own peek-a-boo eyes. 

And once when Aunt Jane stopped by to take him home, she peeked at his butt and announced, "Cute butt" and he stated, "Cute butt" and then repeated "butt" and started screaming with laughter.  And when he has to go to bed, he hugs me and pats me on the back and I blow him kisses and cry, "Bye-bye." And he blows me kisses and waves goodbye.