Sunday, February 16, 2014

Caleb- Sunday

Last Sunday, we took a team to church. The team was from Erie, Pennsylvania, the home church of a few missionaries in Haiti. Mr.James, Samuel's teacher, translated for them. It was a good service and was two and a half hours long. After that we took the team back to the compound to get their swimsuits. We went Villa cana, a restaurant with a pool. The Ayars and Heckmans, two missionary families from the seminary, came too. I had a cheeseburger and fries for lunch. We swam in the pool for a long time. We played games like colors, go-go-ghost, which is a game where you try not to fall in the pool if somebody yells anything other than "go" and if somebody says "go" you have to jump in the pool before everyone else and try not to be last, and we played snakeheads, which is a game where one person is "It" and he has to tag the other players before they cross the pool. For dinner we had lasagna and our friends, the Bundys, came over to eat. I had a great Sunday.
This is the church we went  to.

The team at the service.

Samuel with his teacher, Mr.James.
A team member with a Haitian child.
The pool that we went to.

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